Friday, 22 June 2012


Machine design has the application of statics , kinematics , dynamics , mechanics of material , mechanical technique of metal and engineering drawing . the use of mathematics is widely applied .
It can also be defined as the decision for making the activities to make the plans by which resources are converted into system , processes or devices to perform the desired functions , so that the human needs may be met . The engineering design concerns primarily the system by which energy is converted into useful mechanical forms and of the mechanism required to convert the output of the machine to the desired form. It helps in selecting the right type of material and best suited shapes. computing the dimensions on the basis of the strength. These may be specified in manufacturing requirements such as limits , fits and tolerances . It also include surface finish and accuracy.
Machine design is the subject which include the design of all the parts of a machine which is subjected to carry forces without failure by transmitting the other forms of energy into mechanical energy . The design of machine parts starts from the small part like design like a key. It ends up with the design of heavy machines . Machine design is very broad in its scope . It include the study of manufacturing process , mathematics , metallurgy , workshop organizations and drawing .
Machine design is the creation of better and new machines . The existing lot is also made to improve . But these activities should be more economical in cost of the production and operation .
The designing process is the time consuming and also very long . from the study of existing ideas , a new idea has to be created . The idea is then studied keeping in mind its marketing success and given the shape and form of drawings . In case you have to insert new ideas , care must be taken for the availability of money , men and materials required for the completion of new idea into reality.  

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